TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How Far Would You Go?
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Subject How Far Would You Go?
Posted by Becker on June 26, 2019 at 5:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 860 times.
Message So I just completed a brutal 1,400+ mile, 23-hour drive home from picking up a new Z. That included gas stops, fast-food drive-thrus and an hour of going 5mph thru LA rush hour (and tons of Mountain Dew and Pringles!). Some highs (amazing roads and scenery in southern Oregon) and lows (overheated going over the Grapevine) throughout the drive - but in the end very satisfying and a great way to begin my journey with a new Z. Got lots of thumbs-ups and waves along the way - but didnt see one other Z32 on the road the entire trip. I have to say, I was very happy with the very respectable 26.7 mpg I got over the length of the trip. I figured a 400hp TT w/NA diff would get very poor mileage - but I guess the overdrive really helps out! (this is my first auto Z)

So my question is - who has the record for the longest road trip driving home a new Z? I'm sure there is someone who has gone cross-country.


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